Why IV therapy in Twin Cities & Hennepin County MN?

IV Therapy Twin Cities & Hennepin County MN Smiling Woman With IV

Our IV therapy services in Twin Cities & Hennepin County MN has many incredible benefits. Because of the world we are currently living in and the quality of our food/soil, we so often aren't getting the necessary vitamins and minerals our bodies need to thrive. This is where vitamins come in. We need to fill the nutrient gap in a more effective and efficient way. The #1 major benefit to IV therapy is your body can absorb 100% of a vitamin given intravenously. When it comes to oral supplements and vitamins, your body needs to process these through your digestive system before they reach your bloodstream. When a vitamin is given in an IV, your body can process it quickly and effectively because it is already going straight into the bloodstream and bypasses the digestive system. Your body will then absorb exactly what it needs and expel the rest.

Why is being hydrated so important in Twin Cities & Hennepin County MN?

Hydration is often not taken seriously enough. Being effectively hydrated is very crucial for many reasons including regulating your body temperature, keeping your joints lubricated, preventing infections, delivering nutrients to cells, keeping organs functioning properly, improving sleep quality, and energizing your body. When you drink a glass of water, the water first gets absorbed into the walls of your small intestine before it gets distributed to the rest of your body. This process takes time. In contrast, intravenous therapy allows quick absorption to take place because the fluids bypass your digestive system and flow directly into your bloodstream to be distributed to the rest of your body for immediate use. IV therapy also introduces essential vitamins and minerals into your bloodstream to help restore your body's water-electrolyte balance.

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