IV Therapy FAQ in Twin Cities & Hennepin County MN

IV Therapy Twin Cities & Hennepin County MN Medical Workers With IV

Alcove IV frequently gets questions about its services, and we are happy to answer them. Below our the answers to our most common iv therapy questions in Twin Cities & Hennepin County MN.

Answers in Twin Cities & Hennepin County MN

Why are you called "Alcove IV"?

The name "Alcove" conveys an inviting image of a discreet, serene space where clients can receive personalized IV treatments in an intimate setting. This name fosters the idea that IV hydration therapy is not just a medical procedure but a wellness experience tailored to each client's unique needs, all within the comforting embrace of their "Alcove".

How do IV drips work?

The word IV is short for intravenous (in the vein). A small plastic catheter is inserted into the vein just below the skin by a small needle. This allows vitamins, fluids, and medications to flow quickly and more effectively into your body. The needle is removed just after the vein is accessed and the small plastic tube is the only thing left under the skin.

I've been told my veins are tricky and hard to find. What should I do?

Don't worry. We bring a portable vein finder with us! This helps illuminate veins that cannot be seen by the naked eye. It's helpful to hydrate prior to your appointment and at times running your arm/hand under warm water can help plump up your veins, but we will work closely with you to make sure you can receive our treatments no matter how hard your veins are to find!

Who should get IV drip therapy?

We believe IV therapy benefits most people. Athletes, busy professionals, cancer patients, pregnant mamas, dehydrated, immunocompromised, and anyone looking for a much needed boost are just a few of the different types of people that would benefit from an IV treatment. If you have any specific questions about if IV therapy is for you, please feel free to reach out with any concerns. We work very closely with our experienced medical director and can cater our treatments specifically to you!

Who will be administering the IV therapy?

All of our IV drips will be administered by a licensed registered nurse with multiple years of experience. All of our RN's have a background of providing nursing care in an acute hospital setting prior to working in IV therapy.

How long does an IV drip take to infuse?

On average, an infusion takes about 30-45 minutes to infuse. You can expect an appointment to take about 1 hr including vital signs and an experienced registered nurse talking through our different packages and catering your infusion to your specific health goals.

Do you take insurance?

Unfortunately, we do not take insurance but we do accept HSA or FSA plans. We can also provide you with a receipt and some insurances will reimburse you with the submission of a receipt. We strive to offer a very reasonable price that ensures the highest level of quality care.

Do you offer group rates?

Yes we do! We offer 10% off for groups of 3 or more. Please feel free to reach out to us personally to further discuss private events. We love wellness parties!

Is IV therapy safe?

All of our vitamins are FDA approved. Every infusion we offer is administered by an experienced licensed registered nurse to ensure sterility. We talk through your specific health history, current medications, and allergies prior to your infusion to cater your treatment to best fit your body and needs. Adverse reactions are extremely rare. On occasion, you may experience bruising, swelling, redness, and pain around the insertion site.

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